FJ Journal No. 4 - Driving While Intoxicated - Part 3: DWI Breath and Blood Testing
FJ Journal No. 4 - Driving While Intoxicated - Part 3: DWI Breath and Blood Testing
In this last article in the current DWI series, we discuss breath and blood samples.
FJ Journal No. 3 - Driving While Intoxicated - Part 2: DWI Field Investigation
FJ Journal No. 3 - Driving While Intoxicated - Part 2: DWI Field Investigation
In this article we delve into the many parts of a DWI roadside investigation, including SFSTs.
FJ Journal No. 2 - Driving While Intoxicated - Part 1.5: Voluntary Encounters
FJ Journal No. 2 - Driving While Intoxicated - Part 1.5: Voluntary Encounters
A follow-up on expand on the Police’s ability to speak to people in public.
FJ Journal No. 1 - Driving While Intoxicated - Part 1: Traffic Stops
FJ Journal No. 1 - Driving While Intoxicated - Part 1: Traffic Stops
Learn about the legalities of traffic stops and how to protect yourself.